Sunday, September 22, 2024

"The Adopted one" 6in x 6in. oil

Thank goodness for adoption because it gives many a loving family.  I was adopted and have had a wonderful life with loving parents and siblings.     No one else in my family paints.  I'm the weird one.

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Saturday, September 21, 2024

"Tomato Trace" 6in x 6in. oil

You all probably already know that the word "trace" can mean path or trail.   There is a bourbon here in Ky called Buffalo Trace which was named from a path that the buffalo used when they were in Ky.  These tomatoes are making their own path.   They probably won't wear down a trail because they will be eaten soon.

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My blog

Thursday, June 13, 2024

"Hydrangeas in Bloom" 8in x 8in. oil

My hydrangeas bloomed big time this year after having some sort of bug or fungus for the last 2 years.   At first I thought it was the hard freeze but last year I realized that it might come back if I whacked it all down and let it grow anew.   And it seemed to work!   Yea!

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Friday, June 7, 2024

"Hanging Out" 6in x 6in oil

These two risk-taking cherries decided to leap out of the cup and hang on the edge.   I think they are just showoffs.    No one was hurt during the painting of these cherries.

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Tuesday, May 21, 2024

"Cherries playing Hide and Seek" 6in x 6in oil

After bringing these cherries home from the grocery they jumped out of the bag and started playing hide and seek.  Rowdy bunch of cherries!

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Wednesday, September 13, 2023

"Hot off the vine" 6 in x 6 in oil on panel

Got the delicious tomatoes from my neighborhood farmers market.   They were just picked.  My yard is too shady to grow anything.   I used a color close to cerulean blue because it is the opposite of orange.

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Wednesday, August 30, 2023

"Oreos" 6 in x 6 in oil on panel

I found these double cream Oreos and could not resist painting the iconic cookies.

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Tuesday, August 29, 2023

"Cheers to Champagne Grapes". 6 in x 6 in. oil on panel

These tiny little grapes are so sweet!   But alas, champagne is not made from these grapes.   But I couldn't resist putting in a glass of champagne.   And the red ribbon goes along with the festivities!

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Saturday, August 12, 2023

"Blue block" 6in x 6in oil on panel

This little blue block was so happy to be in the painting!   He is now with all his other block friends and telling them of his adventure and how he got to hang out with his big headed new friends.    He is famous in his hood.

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Friday, August 11, 2023

"Sugar in your tea?" 6in x 6in oil on panel

Polished my sugar bowl the other day so I thought I had better use it before it tarnishes again.  I like the way the shadows hold the composition together.

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Thursday, August 10, 2023

"Plumcots in a teacup" 6in x 6in oil on panel

I feel rusty every time I paint.... the solution is to paint more!!   I have painted 3 this week and I pat my self on the back and say good for you.   Then I go about my day and forget to post!   I started with the plummets, thought they looked splendid in a yellow cup, but it needed more color.   I think the cerulean blue sets everything off nicely.

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Saturday, July 29, 2023

"Rosy Bouquet" 6in x 6in oil

This bouquet was so happy!   It made me happy just to look at it.   

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Monday, July 24, 2023

"Two for Tea or Tea for Two?" 6in x 6in oil

Have you ever felt like you have too many things to do?   I have been feeling like that lately.   I just want to sit down and take a break.... maybe a tea break.   I love these delicate china teacups that are rimmed in gold, they look so peaceful and calm.

Ok, that's enough of a break, back to work!

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Wednesday, March 29, 2023

"Primary Present". 6in x 6in. Oil

I really need to paint more often and get back into painting daily so that I don't lose my skills!  Thought I would try using primary colors to start.   I used Quinacridone Red, Chinese Red, Thalo blue and Cadmium yellow light plus Titanium White.

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Tuesday, September 27, 2022

"Grape Snack" 6in x 6in Oil

I am not sure what the knife has to do with eating grapes but it looks great there!

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Friday, September 23, 2022

"Blue, Yellow, Green" 6in x 6in oil

Thought I'd try lots of color, maybe I went overboard but I like the brilliance.

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"Two Grape clusters" 6in x 6in. oil

Life seems crazy at present so I thought I needed some solitary time to paint.   I love the sunny feel to this painting.

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Wednesday, August 10, 2022

"Minature Plums". 6in x 6in Oil

While at Trader Joe's I spotted these miniature plums and just couldn't resist using them in a painting before I ate them all.   They are just about two times larger than cherries.  And delicious!

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Sunday, July 24, 2022

"Black Coffee, Green Cup". 6in x 6in. oil

What I really like about this painting is that the focal point, the inside of the cup, is the sharpest area which makes the rest of the painting slightly out of focus.  Just like when the object you are staring at is the end of the tunnel vision and every thing else is blurry.   The difference is that with the painting you can stare at the blurry bits!!

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Friday, July 22, 2022

"A Delicate Balance" 6in x 6in oil

I have been trying to paint more often like I used to but I end up overworking the paintings.   I have not posted those paintings but have posted other painting I have done of recent.  Today I decided to paint something simple and loose.  I chose a jar of turmeric and paired it with a cool background.  Hopefully I can carry this feeling forward into other paintings.   Keeping my fingers crossed!

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Wednesday, July 20, 2022

"Alley in Crescent Hill" 8in x 16in oil on linen panel

Sometimes on a cool morning I go walking in Louisville KY and that is where I came upon this alley in Crescent Hill where the sunrise was lighting up this building and fence.   It makes me happy!

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"Summer in Venice" 8in x 8in oil on linen panel

The reference picture for this painting is one that I took while in Venice about 10 years ago.   I was experimenting with color and loosing details.    I like the way it turned out.  ;-D

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Friday, March 11, 2022

"Sunflowers" 12" x 12". oil

Sunflowers just make you smile!   It is partly because of the sunny color, part because of the large dark center with the whimsical petals radiating out and because they have a mind of their own when it comes to arranging them in a vase!!    Maybe I should put a smiley face in the middle of that big one...

This is painted on a larger canvas, 12" square, (the size of 4 - 6" square paintings)

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Thursday, December 2, 2021

"I Win!" 8in x 8in oil

The four of them decided to get together for a few hands of poker.   It was a close call but the royal flush beat the 4 of a kind.   Deal them again....

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Wednesday, December 1, 2021

"Leaning in to hear the secret" 8in x 8in oil

Mr Pear had to lean in to hear the latest scuttlebutt.   He just wants to be in the know and hates to be left out.
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Thursday, November 25, 2021

"One last good bye" 6in x 6in oil

All the cherries in the basket are leaving home and their family came to say good bye for the last time.   They hired a vocalist to send them off with song.

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Sunday, November 21, 2021

"Pals" 14in x 11in Oil

These two Pals wanted me to paint a portrait of them and I said "I could with one condition, they had to sit still and not giggle!"  And to my surprise they were perfectly behaved!  This is larger than I usually paint but they wanted to be on a larger canvas, a 14 x 11.   They look so quiet and innocent but are actually very demanding! 
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Thursday, November 11, 2021

"Guarding the Egg" 8in x 8in oil

Guarding the Egg was difficult because the Fork did not know what danger to look for.   Was the salt and pepper going to season it too much?   Was the coffee going to get out of hand with too much caffeine?  Maybe it was a danger you could not see.

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Wednesday, November 10, 2021

"Family Gathering" 8" x 8". oil

The family is gathering for another celebration.   There is Grandma, the matriarch with her daughter, son in-law and her two grandchildren.  Then there is crazy cousin Eddie who is just in from the Himalayan mountains.  He loves pink.   Now who was supposed to bring the green bean casserole?

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Wednesday, October 20, 2021

"Sunny Day in Oklahoma". 12" x 12". oil on linen board

A friend of mine lives in Oklahoma and when you are there on a sunny day the sky looks enormous!    Every time I see this it makes me smile!  ;-D

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