This was the Daily PaintWorks Challenge of the week. I did not paint them side by side but painted the grey one first then the color version. I loved painting the gris version because you are only concerned with value which I am always stressing the importance of it to my students. At one point he looked like Henry Fonda! Love the little cowlick in his hair! Had to make both of them off center just to please me.

In a description of himself he stated that his skin was dark and his eyes were grey. Had to give him a red tie, a spot of red is always nice don't you think! And it makes him so dressy which I'm sure he hated. It was a challenge to paint the two of them in the same time I would have painted one! Well I did go over the time limit I set on myself by 30 minutes. Fun challenge, I even dreamed about it last night.
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