This one was hard! I started on it yesterday and worked on and off all day and by 4:00 the light was gone, time to quit. Worked on it this morning and finished it finally!! This took way too long but I think in the end it worked out right. The photo here did not capture the right shades of yellow but I am so over it!! I really should do a painting in blue so I at least have one of every primary color. These would look so cool all together in a grouping! Thank you Liz Wiltzen for coming up with this exercise! The large pepper was the hardest for me because of all the fussy shapes around the stem. My palette was: Titanium white, Cad. lemon yellow, Cad. yellow med, Cad. red light, Ultramarine blue, Thalo blue, Winsor Newton Bt. sienna
Here is the b&w photo of the painting and a b&w photo of the set-up for comparison.
Glad this one is done!
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