I decided to do something different today. I felt like drawing so I used my same 6"x6" gesso panel by Ampersand and drew with gold & silverpoint which is very nice to use but also very unforgiving because you really can't erase. I realized that the surface was a little too textured, for my liking, for this medium. I've used silverpoint before but it was on a very very smooth paper with a clay surface where your line quality can really show up. I don't know what brand the paper was because I bought it when studying at the Florence Academy, Italy and didn't know I couldn't get it here in the states. I only have one sheet left and it is a yellow ochre color which I don't care for (why did I buy it?). So...I have gotten a silverpoint drawing ground that I can apply and make my own surface. Of course I didn't plan out what I was going to do today and just winged it and this is what I got. This photo does not show the detail but what the heck this is what I did today.