We had Cheyenne again this week and since I had already done an oil painting last week, I thought I would try out my new gesso for gold and silverpoint. I prepared the paper by soaking it in water then taping it down to a board. After it had dried I applied two layers of silverpoint drawing ground. I lightly sanded with a 400 sand paper. The paper must have been too thin because it developed some buckling which I didn't care for. Next time I will use an illustration board or much heavier paper. They recommend 2 or 4 ply strathmore. I think I used 2 ply. The ground is absorbed in to the paper rather quickly making it difficult to get an absolutely smooth surface. I worked very fast but maybe did not use enough of a pool in the middle to spread. The head study came out ok, I like the hands the best. Ya'll know how I love to do hands. Also a draw back of this gesso is that you absolutely cannot erase and it is very hard to get an even grey tone.