It is amazing to me how long orchids last. I was asked to talk a little bit about my lighting. I work in a room with two tall 8.5 foot north facing windows. Most days that is great light for painting, seeing my colors and so forth but today was an exception. Today was dark, overcast and dreary and most of the time I could not even see what color I was putting on the canvas. I think that is why the shadow of the bowl is so dark on the one above (now that I look at it... why didn't I see it earlier?!) I had to set up a spot light for my painting and palette but most days I don't have to do that. Now with my set ups I have two main surfaces that I work from one is an old hospital table that raises and lowers so I can get different heights. That is where I do most of the ones I look down on. The other one is a tall lie flat storage cabinet that stands 46" high and that is the surface that I use for eye level, I usually sit on a tall stool for either set up. Now the lighting, I use a regular bulb in a telescoping stand and I usually have the light low so it cast nice long shadows. On the tall table I have an old desk lamp from the 40"s that is a goose neck. I think the bulbs are 60 W and one of them is a new florescent, you know the swirly kind.
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