Monday, June 21, 2010

"I love this cheese! 6"x6" oil on gessoboard

To purchase, please contact me. $100

 "It has taken me days to figure out where the giant keeps the cheese and the answer is that it is not always in the same place twice. Unless you count the large cold metal box that that she keeps all the food in.   I have tried and tried but can't find a way in.  I have to depend on the giant putting the cheese out on a plate and hope that she leaves the room so I can make my move."
Bronze mouse by Steve Worthington, for more information view his blog, his sculptures of turtles,mice and frogs are amazing!

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1 comment:

Mary Sheehan Winn said...

On my recent trip to Nova Scotia I visited "the Dutchman's Cheese Farm" in Upper Economy (they ship) and was educated in cheese making. It's all cheese. Gouda, Swiss etc.. It's just processed differently. We bought some and it is to die for. Also, they advise against refrigeration. Just keep in a cool dry place. So far so good.
These paintings are fanTAStic!