Saturday, March 27, 2010

"Intermission" 6"x6" oil on canvas

They came into the house one at a time,
and very certainly are a favorite of mine.
Staying at home in a drawer out of sight, 
until one is asked to go out for the night.

I have a large version of this painting in my bedroom that is about 4' square that I absolutely love.   Can you guess what they are?
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silentwitness said...

Not sure WHAT they are, but it doesn't really matter because the composition is great adn the "mystery" is intriguing. If I had to guess, maybe they are bottles containing something like fingernail polish or perfume? It reminds me of a chess board without the grid! Nice Painting.

Claudia Hammer a Painting a day said...

Thanks, silentwitness, Only one person so far has guessed right. I'm doing another one for tomorrow. I just love the way they are sort of out of focus. They do sort of look like chess pieces don't they! I love the way you always see something that I didn't see.